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Sykes-Pickavant has been manufacturing and distributing tools since 1921. The Sykes-Pickavant brand is well known worldwide as a guarantee of quality products, service and real value for money.

Sykes-Pickavant is a UK market leader in the supply of Specialist Automotive Tools and Hand Held Diagnostic Equipment. Sykes-Pickavants’ ‘Workshop Solutions' specialist tools products, are carefully designed to solve particular problems - often making a difficult job, easy and quick. They have a commitment to developing the tools that will be used by tomorrow's technicians, and investing in a continuous programme of applications research and development. This has kept Sykes-Pickavant at the forefront of automotive service & maintenance technology.

For their Industrial customer base, Sykes-Pickavant continues to be a world leader in both mechanical and hydraulic Pulling & Extracting products, for the removal of anything from bearings, to gears, flywheels, races and seals.

Sykes-Pickavant products are available through all major distributor groups in both the Automotive and Industrial sectors in the UK, and are also available through specialist distribution partners in most countries Worldwide.
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